Status of State Death Taxes: Summary
Current as of January, 2024
The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA) phased out the state death tax credit, reducing the credit by 25 percent in 2002, 50 percent in 2003, 75 percent in 2004, and repealing the credit entirely in 2005. Many states that imposed a state death tax equal to the state death tax credit ("credit estate tax") faced the elimination of their estate tax. Below is a chart that summarizes the actions taken by the states in response to EGTRRA and subsequent legislation making repeal of the credit permanent.
State | Type of death taxes imposed | Current status | Relevant due dates | Gift tax imposed? | GSTT imposed? |
Alabama | None | Requires a constitutional amendment to decouple. No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Alaska | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Arizona | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Arkansas | None | Tax repealed for estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
California | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Colorado | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Connecticut | Estate tax | Estate tax imposed | Report and pay within 6 months of death | Yes | No |
Delaware | Credit estate tax | No estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/17 | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | No |
District of Columbia | Estate tax | Estate tax imposed | Report and pay within 10 months of death | No | No |
Florida | None | Requires a constitutional amendment to decouple. No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Georgia | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Hawaii | Estate tax | Estate tax imposed | Report and pay by federal due date | No | Yes |
Idaho | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Illinois | Credit estate tax | Tax decoupled and equal to credit that would have been allowable before EGTRRA 2001 enacted | Report and pay by federal due date | No | No GST tax imposed for decedents dying after 12/31/04 |
Indiana | None | Inheritance tax not applicable to estates of persons dying after 12/31/12 | N/A | No | No |
Iowa | Inheritance tax | Inheritance tax imposed. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Kansas | None | No tax imposed after 12/31/09 | N/A | No | No |
Kentucky | Inheritance tax | Inheritance tax imposed. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | Report and pay within 18 months of death | No | No |
Louisiana | None | Inheritance tax repealed for estates of persons dying after 6/30/04. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | N/A | Repealed effective 7/1/08 | No |
Maine | Estate tax | Estate tax imposed | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | No |
Maryland | Inheritance tax and credit estate tax | Inheritance tax imposed. Credit estate tax is decoupled and equal to federal credit before repeal and reductions. | Report to Registry of Wills and pay within 9 months of death. | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Massachusetts | Credit estate tax | Tax is decoupled and equal to federal credit in effect on 12/31/00 | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | Yes, tax is decoupled and equal to federal credit in effect on 12/31/81 |
Michigan | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Minnesota | Estate tax | Estate tax imposed | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | No |
Mississippi | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Missouri | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Montana | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Nebraska | Inheritance tax | Inheritance tax imposed. Estate tax repealed as of 1/1/07. | Report and pay within 12 months of death | No | Repealed as of 1/1/07 |
Nevada | None | Requires a constitutional amendment to decouple. No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
New Hampshire | None | Inheritance tax repealed for estates of persons dying after 12/31/02. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | N/A | No | No |
New Jersey | Inheritance tax | Inheritance tax imposed | Report and pay inheritance tax within 8 months of death | No | No |
New Mexico | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
New York | Estate tax | Estate tax imposed | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | Tax was decoupled and equal to federal credit in effect on 7/22/98. Repealed as of 4/1/14. |
North Carolina | None | Tax was decoupled and equal to federal credit in effect prior to repeal and reductions. Credit estate tax repealed as of 1/1/13. | N/A | Repealed as of 1/1/09 | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
North Dakota | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Ohio | None | Estate tax imposed before 2013. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. Estate tax and credit estate tax repealed for estates of persons dying after 12/31/12. | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Oklahoma | None | Estate tax repealed for estates of persons dying after 12/31/09. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | N/A | No | No |
Oregon | Estate tax | Estate tax is imposed | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | No |
Pennsylvania | Inheritance tax | Inheritance tax imposed. Decoupling legislation repealed. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | Report and pay inheritance tax within 9 months of death | No | No |
Rhode Island | Credit estate tax | Tax is decoupled and equal to federal credit in effect on 1/1/01 | Report and pay within 9 months of death | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
South Carolina | None | No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
South Dakota | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Tennessee | None | No inheritance tax after 2015. No credit estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04. | Report and pay inheritance tax within 9 months of death | No, repealed as of 1/1/12 | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Texas | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Utah | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Vermont | Credit estate tax | Tax is decoupled | Report and pay by federal due date | No | Yes, tax is decoupled and equal to federal credit in effect on 1/1/01 |
Virginia | None | Tax automatically decoupled and equal to federal credit in effect on 1/1/78. No tax imposed on estates of persons dying on or after 7/1/07. | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Washington | Estate tax | Stand-alone estate tax imposed on estates of persons dying on or after 1/1/06 | Report and pay by federal due date | No | Repealed on 5/17/05 |
West Virginia | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | Yes, but linked to federal credit, so no GSTT imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 |
Wisconsin | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/07 | N/A | No | No |
Wyoming | None | No tax imposed on estates of persons dying after 12/31/04 | N/A | No | No |
Prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions. © 2025 Broadridge Financial Services, Inc.