Jack Kelly, Senior Contributor
May 24, 2022
That time of year is once again approaching: Memorial Day weekend. Americans have plenty to worry about: inflation, the stock and cryptocurrency markets plummeting, supply chain disruptions, fear over an escalation in the Russian war against Ukraine and a possible recession looming. Companies have been downsizing and enacting hiring freezes due to the downturn in the economy. The overhang of issues doesn’t make for an easy day at the beach.
While Monday is officially a day off for most Americans, a majority of people take some personal time—extending it into an abbreviated vacation. The holiday, while meant to celebrate and remember our fallen armed forces heroes, has turned into yet another excuse to shop, barbeque and enjoy some time away from the stress of the office.
Have A Game Plan
If you don’t set up a game plan for the long weekend, the time will quickly slip by without achieving anything. Decide what you’d like to do. You have different paths to take. Some people may want to use this extra time to catch up and get ahead of their workload. Other folks just desire to disconnect and chill for a few days. It’s fine to do a little bit of both.
You may want to put aside time for constructive, educational and career-oriented activities. After enduring a global pandemic, you may decide that sitting by a beach or pool soaking up the sun and relaxing is the ideal way to spend your precious time off from work.
Remember What It's All About
The national holiday was established to honor those who have died in American wars. Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, originated during the American Civil War when Americans placed flowers on the graves of fallen soldiers.
You can do your part by having your family put together care packages for soldiers serving overseas. Attend or participate in a local Memorial Day parade. Write and send letters to soldiers and their families, letting them know that you appreciate what they do to keep our country safe and sound. Get involved with conversations that may be pushing the U.S. toward escalating involvement with the Russia and Ukraine conflict.
If You Want To Be Productive
The long weekend—which can easily turn into four or five days off—could serve as a relatively relaxed way to catch up on your workload and actually get ahead. For those who hate emails, it's time to clean up your inbox. Finish up on outstanding projects that your boss has been nagging you about. Sign-up for the online courses you’ve been promising yourself that you’d take to learn new skills which could lead to a better job and higher pay.
While you’re at it, get in touch with a career coach and resume writer to help you jump-start a job search. Take a look at your LinkedIn profile to see if there are any new achievements, responsibilities or jobs you need to add. Send LinkedIn requests to connect with recruiters making them aware that you’d like to use their services to find a new opportunity.
If you want to remain at your firm, think of what’s next. Do you desire a promotion, raise, lateral move within the organization or new more interesting assignments and responsibilities. Email your manager and let her know that you’d like to meet with her when you get back to the office to discuss your career aspirations.
Take Some Time For Yourself
We are usually so busy with our jobs, careers, family and responsibilities that we forget about taking care of ourselves. If you fall into this category, consider some ‘me’ time. This will be different for everyone. You may want to go to a Yoga class or fitness center to start off the summer feeling strong and powerful.
A staycation is a perfect time to try meditation that you’ve been interested in learning about. Avoid joining your friend group that is excited about binge drinking throughout the holiday. Instead, go for a run, take a walk in the park or on a beach, or swim some laps in the pool.
Without distractions can have deep meaningful inner dialogues about what you really want out of your life. Put aside quiet time to reflect on your life, career and future. Think about what you’d like to do for the next five or ten years. Do you want to remain in the same job, profession or ready to venture out and do something completely different? Would you like to go back to school and learn something new which can set you on a new path? Is there anything missing in your life that you want to change? Is it time to make peace with people with whom you may have burned bridges?
Get Smarter
Instead of reading a trashy lurid novel, get smart. Find some stimulating podcasts that will turn you on to new topics and ideas. There is a podcast for nearly anything that you’d be interested in, ranging from quantum physics to what’s happening in cybersecurity. Check out some books that you’ve always wanted to read, but never got around to it. Pick up a business book that could help with your career. Instead of binge-watching shoot-em-up Netflix movies, try a documentary or educational programming.
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